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Karbonate Minerals Corp. Announces Two Zones Identified for Extended Mining at Salta Project in Argentina
Karbonate Minerals Corp. Jul 15, 2024 1,061 views

Karbonate Minerals Corp. Announces Two Zones Identified for Extended Mining at Salta Project in Argentina

Toronto based Karbonate Minerals Corp. have announced two zones that they have identified at their Salta project in Argentina where they will be extending the mining operation, with both zones having recently undergone updated technical studies, and both of which are anticipated to achieve substantial returns.

The Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA), prepared identified two zones to develop at the project. Both will be mixed open pits with some additional underground operations, which are expected to produce up to 8,000 ounces of gold over a 7-to-8-year period.

Further exploration of the zones will be undertaken in quarter 4 of 2026 once production has begun at the existing identified zones. This could extend the mine's life by a further 7 years if the preliminary tests already done prove to be consistent.

Mr. Oliver Denton, Projects Director at Karbonate Minerals Corp. said in a statement, "The 2 zones are both situated in the north west section of the project. We have named them Rosewood Drift and Anchor Valley, with the latter being slightly larger in area. Anchor Valley zone is anticipated to produce nearly 5,000 ounces while Rosewood Drift producing somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 ounces."

"We're further optimistic in relation to being able to expand the size of these zones by approximately 50% of their current areas as government permissions have already been granted to do so as this was granted at the same time of the 2 new existing zones. Potentially, we have added 7 years of mine life and a further 25 to 30 million Dollars of gold production which is extremely satisfying to everyone directly involved at the mine and those indirectly too, such as the local contractors and communities," he added.

The government of Argentina granted Karbonate Minerals Corp. their first license to mine at the project in 2018 and since then the company have had a further 12 licenses granted at the property, including these most recent ones.

Karbonate Minerals Corp. have also recently acquired a 49% stake in a local junior mining company whose project sits to the south of their Salta project and is only 11 kilometers away by direct road access. Karbonate Minerals Corp. are expected to share facilities, plant and machinery to assist with the increased production of this mine.
