Karbonate Minerals Corp. Hits High Gold Grades at New Brunswick Project
Karbonate Minerals Corp. has released partial assay results for four holes completed within the Salamander zone at its New Brunswick gold project in Canada. These drill holes targeted both the Delta Ridge fault line that falls within the Salamander zone, returning long intervals of high-grade mineralization.
Drill highlights include 27.4 metres of 23.95 grams of gold per ton from 98.3 metres; 33.6 metres of 24.26 grams of gold per ton starting at 37.6 metres; and 53.2 metres of 23.62 grams of gold per ton from the Salamander zone. Additional assays from the footwall include 6.8 metres of 6.25 grams of gold per ton starting at 84.7 metres; and 7.9 metres of 11.53 grams of gold per ton from 91.5 metres.
According to the release, the 33.6-metre interval above is the "broadest high-grade drill intercept to date at the Salamander zone."
Oliver Denton, Director of Projects with Karbonate Minerals Corp. explained, "Drilling to date at the Salamander zone has also encountered multiple veins in the footwall of the Delta Ridge fault, returning assays of between 1.26 grams per ton and 3.17 grams per ton. The high-grade intervals recently encountered in this secondary veining are extremely encouraging."
Mr. Denton also added, "Our previous drill holes drilled in 2023 in an area adjacent to the Delta Ridge fault returned 31 metres of 19.86 grams per ton which we will include once we start production of the area which we anticipate to be in the third quarter of this year."
Karbonate Minerals Corp. plans to continue testing for additional zones of high-grade gold between the Salamander zone and an area to the west named Homestead Gully.
The company will be completing a 120,000-metre drill program at the site in the third quarter of 2025, which will include over 72 kilometres of strike along the Delta Ridge fault line, and expect to release results before the first quarter of 2026.